C trimble ascii interface protocol, Ctrimble ascii interface protocol (taip) – Trimble Outdoors SK8 User Manual
Page 147

Lassen-SK8 Embedded GPS Module
Trimble ASCII Interface Protocol
Trimble ASCII Interface Protocol (TAIP) is a Trimble-specified digital communication
interface based on printable ASCII characters over a serial data link. TAIP was designed
specifically for vehicle tracking applications but has become common in a number of
other applications because of its ease of use. TAIP supports both scheduled and polled
TAIP messages may be scheduled for output at a user specified rate starting on a given
epoch from top of the hour. For communication robustness, the protocol optionally
supports checksums on all messages. It also provides the user with the option of tagging
all messages with the unit's user specified identification number (ID). This greatly
enhances the functional capability of the unit in a network environment.
Additionally, given the printable ASCII format of all communication, TAIP is ideal for
use with mobile data terminals, seven bit modems and portable computers. Although,
sensors incorporating this protocol are shipped from the factory with a specific serial port
setting, the port characteristics are fully programmable through TAIP messages.
This appendix is designed for easy reference to TAIP message formats and describes all
the TAIP messages defined at the time of printing. Some of the defined TAIP messages
are not supported by the Lassen-SK8 receiver. The Lassen-SK8 supports the following
TAIP messages:
Lassen-SK8 supported TAIP messages include:
AL Altitude/Up Velocity
PR Protocol
AM Alarm
PT Port Characteristic
AP Auxiliary Port Characteristic
PV Position/Velocity Solution
CP Compact Position Solution
RM Reporting Mode
DC Differential Corrections
RT Reset Mode
DD Delta Differential Corrections
ST Status
ID Identification Number
TM Time/Date
IP Initial Position
VR Version Number
LN Long Navigation Message