Services configuration – Tripp Lite 93-2879 User Manual
Page 158
B096-016 B096-048 and B092-016 User Manual
Page 158
# /bin/config –-set=config.console.flow=Hardware
# /bin/config –-set=config.console.initstring=ATQ0V1H0
The following command will synchronize the live system with the new configuration.
# /bin/config –-run=dialin
Please note that supported authentication types are 'None', 'PAP', 'CHAP' and 'MSCHAPv2'.
Supported serial port baud-rates are '9600', '19200', '38400', '57600', '115200', and '230400'.
Supported parity values are 'None', 'Odd', 'Even', 'Mark' and 'Space'.
Supported data-bits values are '8', '7', '6' and '5'.
Supported stop-bits values are '1', '1.5' and '2'.
Supported flow-control values are 'Hardware', 'Software' and 'None'.
If you do not wish to use out-of-band dial-in access, please note that the procedure for enabling
start-up messages on the console port is covered in Chapter 15: Accessing the Console Port.
Services Configuration
You can manually enable or disable network servers from the command line. For example, if
you wanted to guarantee the following server configuration:
HTTP Server
HTTPS Server
Telnet Server
SSH Server
SNMP Server
Ping Replies (Respond to ICMP echo requests)
You would need to issue the following commands from the command line to set system
# /bin/config –
# /bin/config –
# /bin/config –
# /bin/config –
# /bin/config –