Toshiba 3006GAL User Manual
Page 88

Toshiba Corporation Digital Media Network Company
Page 88 of 157
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WORD 83: Features/Command sets supported
bit 15 0 (Fixed)
bit 14 1 (Fixed)
bit 13
1=FLUSH CACHE EXT command supported
bit 12
1=FLUSH CACHE command supported
bit 11
1=Device Configuration Overlay supported
bit 10
1=48-bit Address feature set supported
bit 9
1=Automatic Acoustic Management feature set supported
bit 8 1=Set MAX security extension supported
bit 7
bit 6 1=SET FEATURES subcommand required to spin up after power-up
bit 5 1=Power-Up in Standby feature set supported
bit 4 1=Removable Media Status Notification feature set supported
bit 3 Advanced Power Management feature set supported
bit 2 1=CFA feature set supported
bit 1 1=READ / WRITE DMA QUEUED supported
bit 0 1=DOWNLOAD MICROCODE command supported
The value for this WORD is 7D09h.
WORD 84: Features / Command sets supported
bit 15 0 (Fixed)
bit 14 1 (Fixed)
bit 13 1 (Fixed)
bit 12-6
bit 5
1=General Purpose Logging feature set supported
bit 4
bit 3
1=Media Card Pass Through command feature set supported
bit 2
1=Media serial number supported
bit 1
1=SMART self-test supported
bit 0
1=SMART error logging supported
The value for this WORD is 6023h.
WORD 85: Features / Command sets enable
bit 15 Reserved
bit 14 NOP command enabled
bit 13 READ BUFFER command enabled
bit 12 WRITE BUFFER command enabled
bit 11 Reserved
bit 10 Host Protected Area feature set enabled
bit 9
DEVICE RESET command enabled
bit 8 SERVICE interrupt enabled
bit 7 Release Interrupt enabled
bit 6 Look Ahead enabled
bit 5 Write Cache enabled
bit 4
PACKET feature set supported
bit 3
The Power Management feature set is enabled
bit 2
The Removable feature set is enabled
bit 1
The security feature set is enabled
bit 0
The SMART feature set is enabled
The default value for this WORD is 7468h