Toshiba 3006GAL User Manual
Page 55

Toshiba Corporation Digital Media Network Company
Page 55 of 157
© 2005, Copyright TOSHIBA Corporation All Rights Reserved SMART commands
This register should be set to C2h for SMART commands
10.7.8 Device/Head Register
- CS0
DA2-DA0 : 6
Read / Write
The value of this register is used to select the drive, Drive0 or Drive1, and head. On multiple sector
read/write operation that requires to cross track boundaries, the head select bit will be updated to reflect the
currently selected head number.
Bit 7
Reserved (recommended to set 1)
Bit 6
L (Select LBA mode) L=0: CHS mode. L=1: LBA mode.
Bit 5
Reserved (recommended to set 1)
Bit 4
DEV (Device Select):
- (Drive0/Drive1 mode) This bit is used to select the drive. DEV= 0 indicates the first fixed disk drive
(Drive0), and DEV= 1 indicates the second (Drive1).
- (Single mode) should be 0. If this is 1, a drive is not selected but 00h shall be returned to status register.
Bit 3 -
Bit 0
HS3-HS0 (Head Select Bits) -- Bits 3 through 0 determine the required read/write head. Bit 0 is the
least-significant bit. If the L bit is equal to one (LBA Mode), the HS3 through HS0 bits contain bits 27
through 24 of the LBA.