Toshiba ICC MBP-100 User Manual
Page 72

download firmware to its flash memory: all other application functions (such as
communications, console access etc.) will be disabled.
16.3 Using the RFU Utility
Support for downloading new application firmware to the gateway is provided by
the free Rabbit Field Utility (RFU), which is a 32-bit application that runs on
Microsoft Windows platforms. The RFU utility can be downloaded from ICC’s
website at When downloading a new gateway
application BSP, always confirm that you also have the latest version of RFU,
as new .BIN firmware files contained in BSPs may require functionality found
only in the most recent RFU versions for successful downloading.
The remainder of this section will detail the RFU utility configuration and
firmware download procedures.
16.3.1 Required Files
When first downloaded, the RFU utility files are compressed into one self-
extracting .EXE distribution file. Create a folder (such as c:\RFU), place the
distribution file in this folder, and then execute it. This will extract the
compressed files into that same folder. The distribution file is then unneeded
and can be deleted if desired. To run the RFU utility, double-click on the
RFU.EXE file icon.
16.3.2 First-Time Configuration
The first time the RFU utility is run on a computer, several configuration items
need to be confirmed. These configuration items are retained in the computer’s
registry from that point on, so reconfiguration is not required unless certain
parameters (such as which serial port to use on the computer) are changed.
The two configuration items that need to be confirmed are the communications
and bootstrap loaders path. First, select the “Setup…Communications” menu
item (refer to Figure 39).
Figure 39: RFU Main Screen