Feature summary – Toshiba ICC MBP-100 User Manual
Page 12

3. Feature Summary
Modbus Plus Port
Standard DB9 connector. Supports both standard (MSTR) read and write as
well as global data read and write instructions. Any internal data point has the
option of being mapped to the gateway’s “get” or “put” global data. “Get” global
data can be configured on a point-by-point basis to originate from any existing
device on the network, providing for powerful and efficient peer-to-peer
RS485 Port
One half-duplex 2-wire RS485 port (A / B / Signal Ground / Shield). This port
allows a selection of various master and slave protocols to be assigned to it.
RS232 Port
One RS232 port that can be used to configure the unit, update the internal
firmware, upload/download configuration files or act as a control protocol port.
Use the included DB9-to-RJ45 RS232 cable to interface with this port.
Toshiba ASD Ports
Three common serial (aka logic level) ports for connection of Toshiba 7-series,
9-series, 11-series or VF-nC1 ASDs. ASD connections use the same standard
RJ45 style 8-conductor UTP patch cables: any standard CAT5 Ethernet cable
(found in most electronics stores) 5 meters or less in length can be used. ASD
connections are automatically established and continuously monitored: no
drive configuration needs to be performed to connect the unit to the drives.
Just plug it in – it’s that simple.
Power Supply
When connected to Toshiba ASDs via the ASD1 / ASD2 / ASD3 ports, can be
either powered directly from the attached ASDs, or from the auxiliary power
(“POWER”) input jack. All other non-Toshiba applications require the use of the
“POWER” input to supply power to the unit. When more than one power source
is connected, the unit will draw its control power from the source with the
highest supply voltage.
Supported Protocols
Modbus RTU (RS485 master & slave)
Modbus RTU (RS232 master & slave)
Toshiba ASD (common serial master)
Toshiba ASD (RS485 master)
Mitsubishi 500-series & 700-series ASD (RS485 master) (also used by
MGI Technologies, Inc. ASDs)