Windows usb driver license, Other firmware modules and libraries, Ther firmware modules and libraries – Texas Instruments CC2511 User Manual

Page 17: Cc2511 dongle

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CC2511 Dongle

The complete documentation of the CUDAL framework is available in a compressed HTML
file, “cudal.chm”, found in “CC2511DK\pc_sw\CUDAL\doc”


Windows USB driver license

The Windows USB driver framework CUDAL is based on the USBIO driver from Thesycon.
This driver is not free and requires a licence.

Texas Instruments have a license that allows its customers to do the following:

• Use the application examples included in the kit.

• Develop own applications using CUDAL (Chipcon USB Dongle Access Library) as

long as all development and testing is done on the hardware (CC2511 USB Dongle)
supplied in the development kit from Texas Instruments.

• Modify or add functionality in the CUDAL library.

The customer must purchase their own license if they wish to do any of the following:

• Develop or test software on hardware that was not supplied in the development kit.

• Go into production with a product that uses the driver.

The customer may not:

• Change, decompile, disassemble or in any way reverse engineer the cudal.sys file.

Please contact Thesycon,

, for information on how to obtain a licence.


Other firmware modules and libraries

To ease the firmware development there are also general firmware modules and libraries
available for the CC2510 and CC2511.

The most important is the HAL library which contains functions and macros to enable and use
all peripheral units on the CC2510 and CC2511. There is also an EB library containing
functions and macros to use the peripheral units found on the SmarRF04EB development
card. These libraries are all documented in the HAL_CUL_EB_Software_User_Manual.pdf.

Examples on how to use these libraries are found in the CC2510 application examples. These
application examples are documented in CC2430DK_CC2510_CC1110_User_Manual.pdf.
The software is found in “CC2510DK\App_Ex\cc2510”

The CC2511 application examples use a library called CC2511AppExLibrary. This library
contains the following modules:

• RF module, a simple RF protocol used in the CC2511 application examples

• Timer4 manager module, use timer4 to call functions at regular intervals.

• Buffer module, implementation of a FIFO (First In, First Out) buffer.

This library is documented in a compressed HTML file, “CC2511AppExLibrary.chm”.
The CC2511AppExLibrary is divided into two parts, one for the CC2510 EM and one for the
CC2511 USB Dongle.
The CC2511AppExLibrary and documentation is found here:

• CC2510 : “CC2511DK\embedded_sw\Library\cc2510\CC2511AppExLibrary”

• CC2511 : “CC2511DK\embedded_sw\Library\cc2511\CC2511AppExLibrary”

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