Toshiba MA-1595-1 Series User Manual

Page 135

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6.6 PLU Table Programming (Submode 4)





Address No.

Description of Programming Contents


1) When the Head-link PLU is entered in a sale, the Sub-link PLU will automatically be

entered. When the Sub-link PLU is an open-price PLU, the price entry and the [AMT]
key depression should follow manually on the main keyboard. This manual operation
sequence cannot be replaced by a PLU Preset-code Key on the main keyboard or on
the PK-2 keyboard.

2) The PLU-to-PLU linkage is effective even when the Head-link PLU is an open-price


3) The linkage is effective in a sale only for one Head-link PLU and one Sub-link PLU. If

the Sub-link PLU is further programmed with another Sub-link PLUs (with a Link-PLU
Table No.), the third PLU will not automatically entered.

4) It is possible to set multiple PLUs as Head-link to one Sub-link PLU. (In Example 1

described above, it may be extended to have more Head-link PLUs of similar items such
as Drink Large, which also link to the Bottle Deposit of the same amount.)

5) Repeat, Item Correct, Dollar Discount, Vendor Coupon, Bottle Return, %+, or %-

operations are not accepted for PLU-to-PLU link entries. But Return Merchandise or
Void operation is possible for the Head-link (and the Sub-link PLU will be processed as
returned or voided item automatically, in this case).

6) The Sub-link PLU may be operated for sales entries, skipping the Head-link PLU,

without affecting the Head-link PLU sales memory.

7) Multiplication is possible on the Head-link PLU, and then the Sub-link PLU will

automatically be multiplied with the same quantity.

8) Modifier Keys (such as [SI/M]) will be effective for the Head-link PLU item only, and the

modification will be disregarded for the Sub-link PLU.

9) When an error occurs at the Sub-link PLU, only the Head-link PLU is entered but not the

Sub-link PLU. (Errors such as Multiplication Product Over-limit Error, the Sub-link PLU
has not been opened, the sale subtotal will turn into negative, etc.)

10) When the Sub-link is a negative PLU, a Return Merchandise or Void entry through the

Head-link PLU is not possible.

11) None of Scale-Compulsory PLUs should be linked as Sub-link to another PLU of Head-

link. An error will result on the Head-link item entry attempt in this case.

12) When a price-change entry is made (using the [PR OPEN] or [OPEN] key) through the

Head-link PLU, the Sub-link PLU will always require a manual amount entry (through
[AMT]) even when the Sub-link is a preset-price PLU.

13) PLU with the Age Limit Status or with the Quantity Entry Compulsion Status

programmed cannot be used for Link-PLU.


Tare Table No. (for Scale-compulsory PLUs only)


Enter the Tare Table No. (1 to 9). The content of each Tare Table is set later in a separate
operation (Submode 26). In a scale item entry of a PLU with a Tare Table No. set, the tare
weight preset in the Tare Table will automatically be subtracted from the total weight read
from the scale. Enter 0 to cancel a Tare Table No. once set. Or skip this address setting for
PLUs not needing any tare weight calculations.