Tax status or food stamp status modification, Subtotal (sale total pre-taxed) read, Taxable total (sale total with taxes) read – Toshiba MA-1595-1 Series User Manual

Page 56: Taxable total read and subtotal print, 35 tax status or food stamp status modification, 36 manual tax entry, 37 subtotal (sale total pre-taxed) read, 38 taxable total (sale total with taxes) read, 39 taxable total read and subtotal print

Tax status or food stamp status modification, Subtotal (sale total pre-taxed) read, Taxable total (sale total with taxes) read | Taxable total read and subtotal print, 35 tax status or food stamp status modification, 36 manual tax entry, 37 subtotal (sale total pre-taxed) read, 38 taxable total (sale total with taxes) read, 39 taxable total read and subtotal print | Toshiba MA-1595-1 Series User Manual | Page 56 / 218 Tax status or food stamp status modification, Subtotal (sale total pre-taxed) read, Taxable total (sale total with taxes) read | Taxable total read and subtotal print, 35 tax status or food stamp status modification, 36 manual tax entry, 37 subtotal (sale total pre-taxed) read, 38 taxable total (sale total with taxes) read, 39 taxable total read and subtotal print | Toshiba MA-1595-1 Series User Manual | Page 56 / 218