20–60 ton interface) controls – Trane CG-PRC007-EN User Manual
Page 36

Generic Building Automation System
Module (GBAS) — Two Generic
Building Automation System Modules
(GBAS) are available as an option to
provide broad control capabilities for
building automation systems, other than
the Trane’s Tracer system.
The 0-5 vdc input GBAS Module
contains 4 analog inputs, one binary
input for demand limit, and 5 binary
The 4 analog inputs can accept a 0-5 vdc
or a three wire potentiometer signal and
be assigned to:
Leaving Solution Set point
2. Ice Build Terminate Set point
3. Hot Start Load Limit Set point
4. Maximum Capacity Level
Set point
The 5 binary outputs can be assigned:
Active Unit Diagnostics
2. Compressor running status
3. Maximum Capacity (all
compressors running)
4,5. Open - Diagnostics can be
grouped or individually assigned
by the user and may be placed
in these outputs.
The 0-10 vdc input GBAS module
contains 4 analog inputs, one binary
input for demand limit, four analog
outputs and one binary output.
The 4 analog inputs can accept a 0-10
vdc signal and be assigned to:
Leaving Solution Set point
2. Ice Build Terminate Set point
3. Hot Start Load Limit Set point
4. Maximum Capacity Level Set point
The 4 analog outputs can be assigned
Leaving Solution Temperature
2. Entering Solution Temperature
3. Saturated Condenser Temp.
Ckt 1, 2
4. Evaporator Temp. Ckt 1, 2
5. Liquid Line Pressure Ckt1, 2
6. Suction Pressure Ckt 1, 2
Actual Capacity Level
8. Outdoor Air Temperature
One binary output can be assigned to:
Active Unit Diagnostics
2. Compressors Running Status
3. Max Capacity
Hot Gas Bypass (HGBP) — The HGBP
control allows unit operation below the
minimum step of unloading. Hot gas
bypass is initiated when the last capacity
step is running and the capacity control
algorithm generates a subtract
command. HGBP remains energized
until the load increases, the chiller freeze
protection function is activated, a user
defined run time has expired, the low
pressure control is open, or the unit goes
into ice building mode.
Alarm and Max Capacity Relay — These
features are user selectable and are
mutually exclusive of each other. If the
alarm relay output is selected, it will
provide a way to trigger a field supplied
alarm whenever the UCM detects a fault
requiring manual reset. The customer
can assign which fault modes will trigger
the alarm relay. The alarm will
de-energize when the manual reset is
cleared. When Max Capacity Output is
selected, it will trigger a field installed
device indicating the unit has reached its
maximum cooling stage; this gives the
customer the ability to turn on auxiliary
systems to manage comfort.
Ice Building Control — A contact closure
on the UCM allows either a field installed
device or an ICS system to initiate the
unit to operate in the ice building mode.
In this mode normal chiller temperature
control is bypassed and the unit runs
fully loaded until ice building is
complete. There are two optional ice
building modes that can be selected
through the HI. Ice building is
terminated when the customer provide
contacts are opened, Ice Building Stop is
initiated from the Tracer, or the entering
solution temperature reaches or drops
below the ice building terminate set
Option 1 - One time Ice building mode
allows the unit to run fully loaded until
the entering solution temperature falls to
the active ice building terminate set
point (IBTS) When the entering solution
temperature reaches the terminate set
point, the unit will go through
pumpdown if enabled and remain in Ice
Complete standby mode until the ice
build mode is terminated.
Option 2 - Continuous ice build mode
allows the unit to run fully loaded until
the entering solution temperature falls to
the active ice building terminate set
point (IBTS). When the entering solution
temperature reaches the terminate set
point, the unit will go through
pumpdown if enabled, and remain in Ice
build delay. The unit will remain in ice
build standby until the ice build timer
expires. The unit will then start the pump
and wait for the loop stabilization timer
to expire. The unit will run fully loaded
until the entering solution temperature
falls below the ice build termination set
point. The unit will continue cycling
through these ice building states until
the Ice build mode is terminated or
changed to option 1.
(20–60 Ton