Texas Instruments Serial Programming Adapter MSP430 User Manual

Page 28

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/FN0009/ EraseCheckFile

long int EraseCheckFile(char* lpszFileName, long int iFileType)

This function checks if all memory addresses, which are in the file, are erased.

lpszFilName: Name of the file



(0x00) − autodetection of file type (Intel-hex or


(0x01) − file type is TI-TXT

FILETYPE_INTEL_HEX(0x02) − file type is Intel-hex

Function returns success or first address with mismatching data.


lFuncReturn = EraseCheckFile(”test.txt”, long:0)

/FN00010/ PatternCheck

long int PatternCheck(long int wStart, long int wLength, long int wPattern)

Checks a memory range with word pattern passed

wStart: Start address of the memory area. Allowed values : 0x0000−0xFFFE
(see memory map of the corresponding device)

wLength: Size of the area. Allowed values : 0x0000−0xFFFE (see memory
map of the corresponding device)

wPattern: Word pattern for check

Function returns success or first address with mismatching data.


lFuncReturn = PatternCheck(long:0xF000,

long:0x1000, long:0xFFFF)

/FN00011/ VerifyData

long int VerifyData(long int wStart, long int wLength, void* lpData)

This function verifies the content of the device with the data stored at passed
pointer to data.

wStart: Start address of memory area. Allowed values : 0x0000−0xFFFE (see
memory map of the corresponding device)

wLength: Length of the memory area to be checked. Allowed values :
0x0000−0xFFFE (see memory map of the corresponding device)

lpData: Pointer to buffer with data bytes in it

Function returns success or first address with mismatching data.

lFuncReturn = VerifyData(long:0xF000, long:0x1000, void* lpData)