Texas Instruments Serial Programming Adapter MSP430 User Manual

Page 17

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Programming MSP430 Devices With the GUI



Table 2−1. MSP430 Function Buttons and Descriptions (Continued)

Button Name



Verify the data in the MSP430 device according to the selected option.

By file

A verification of the memory locations vs the selected object file is


By device

A verification of the memory locations vs the selected object file is
performed. (By file and by device are the same functions.)


By range

Verify memory locations defined in the range field vs the data in the
selected file. The defined range should not contain memory locations
outside the data stored in the selected file, otherwise an error is reported.

Blow Fuse

The on-chip security fuse is irreversibly disabled and any access, such
as reading or programming of the MSP430, is impossible via JTAG.
Access via bootstrap loader interface is possible for devices that support
that interface.

Read out data from MSP430 device. When this function is executed, a
dialog box appears; the file name for the data to store should be selected.

Read Out

By device

Read out the entire memory of the device and store the data into the file
selected in the file name field.

By range

Read out the memory locations selected by the range field and store the
data in the file selected in the file name field.

The reset of a MSP430 can be performed in two ways. After reset, the
MSP430 may remain under JTAG control or can be released to operate
normally and execute the program.



A software reset of the chip is generated.


Generates a hardware reset by applying a low pulse on RST/NMI pin.

With JTAG-release

JTAG is released after the execution of the reset (via JTAG or RST/NMI).

COM Port

Selects the COM port to which the programming adapter is connected

Baud Rate

Selects the baud rate for communication with the programming adapter


Help is available for programming MSP430 devices, command buttons,
selectors, and the object file format used.
The Help menu can be found in the system menu of the serial
programming adapter software (right click on the symbol at the upper-left
corner of the program window) or with the F1 function key.

Note 1: For some MSP430 family members, e.g., MSP430F2xxx devices,
portions of flash information memory are factory preprogrammed with
calibration data. Depending on which method is used for erasing the flash
memory, this calibration data may be erased. Should the calibration data be
conserved, it must be read out prior to the information memory erase or a flash
erase method that does not affect the calibration data memory locations must
be used. See the respective device data sheet for further information on
preprogrammed calibration data memory locations.

If it should be saved, the following erase options must not be used as the Info
memory will be entirely erased:

− Program with Erase Flash (flash-erase options: Main and Info Memory)


− Erase Flash by Device

Instead, Erase Flash by File or by Range should be used.