Texas Instruments Serial Programming Adapter MSP430 User Manual
Page 10

Installing the Software
Installing the Software
To install the MSP-PRGS430 software, perform the following steps:
NOTE: To ensure that you are using the latest version of the MSP-PRGS430
software, you must download the installation executable from the TI web site.
1) Browse to the MSP-PRGS430 page on www.ti.com
2) Go to the Support Software section and click on the link to the
MSP-PRGS430 Software (the latest version of this software can also be
downloaded from this address: http://www.ti.com/lit/zip/slac029).
3) Save the zip file to your local drive. After download is complete,
uncompress the file to extract the installation exectuable
4) Navigate to this saved file (PRGS430_Rxxx.exe) and run it.
A welcoming message is displayed.
5) Follow the setup instructions on the screen. The setup program guides
you through the installation process.
6) During setup, the MSP430 program icons are installed in the selected
folder. Click on the PRGS430 Read Me First icon, shown in Figure 1−1,
to obtain important information about the program device hardware and
Figure 1−1. ADT430 Program Icons
7) The appropriate program group and icons are added to the Windows
program manager.
8) To start the programming adapter software, click the PRGS430 icon in the
selected program group (default: ADT430).