Telular SX5D User Manual
Page 18
Keypad Buttons for Text Entry (Multitap)
There are three or four letters assigned to each number on the telephone keypad. The letters
on the keypad will display when pressed. For example, if the number 3 is pressed, a “D” will
appear. If it is pressed twice, the “E” will appear, and if it is pressed three times, the “F” will
appear. The cursor will move on to the next space after a brief pause, so the letter must be
selected quickly.
Enter a Hard Pause
Hard pauses allow the SX5 to be used with automated phone systems used for pagers or auto-
mated banking. When a number is programmed into the phonebook, a pause is entered by
pressing and holding “#” for more than one second. The hard pause will be displayed as “P.”
Use Lower Case or Numbers
The “
” key can be used to switch change from upper case
(ABC) to lower case (abc) or to numbers (123). The current set-
ting will display under the clock in the upper right corner of the
LCD screen.
Use Special Characters
The “1” key can access several special characters (punctuation
marks and symbols). To scroll through available special charac-
ters, press the “1” key repeatedly.
Add a New Entry to the Phonebook
1. Press the MENU key.
2. Select Phonebook, then select Add Name.
3. Enter a name by pressing the alphanumeric keys (maximum 16
HINT: Use the “
” key to switch between upper case, lower
case and numbers. Use the “1” key to access special charac-
ters. To correct errors in the name, press the CLEAR key.
4. Press the OK key.
5. Enter the desired telephone number (maximum of 20 digits).
6. Press the OK key. You will be prompted to enter another number.
7. Press the OK key to save the entry and return to the Phonebook menu. If you have additional
numbers (up to 2 more) follow steps 5 through 7 for each number.
Phonebook Entry Search
1. Press the NAME key.
2. Use the arrow keys to scroll through the entries or use the keypad to view all entries that
begin with a specific letter.
3. Press the SELECT key to view the phone number(s) listed for a highlighted entry.
Edit or Delete an Entry
1. Press the NAME key.
2. Use the arrow keys to scroll through the entries, or use the
keypad to view all entries that begin with a specific letter.
3. Press the SELECT key to view the phone number(s) listed for
an entry that is highlighted.
4. Press the OPTIONS key and select the desired option.
User Manual
Edit or Delete an Entry.
Add a New Entry to the
Use Lower Case or