The New Yorker Store Cast Iron-Oil Fired Boiler CL User Manual
Page 11

NOTE: Vertical piping will prevent door from opening
fully for service and cleaning of boiler.
2. Thread relief valve onto factory installed ¾" NPT
x 7¼" nipple located in left rear corner on top
of boiler as shown in Figures 1A and 1B. Valve
spindle must be in vertical position. Tighten with
wrench. Pipe discharge as shown in Figure 9.
Installation of the relief valve must be consistent
with ANSI/ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
Section IV.
3. On boilers with rear tankless heater, factory wired
L7224C Control Relay was not installed in heater.
Locate ¾" NPT Immersion Well, apply sealant and
thread into ¾" NPT tapping on heater. Apply heat
transfer paste (not furnished) to control bulb and
insert bulb into immersion well. Tighten clamp
screws to secure control to immersion well. Secure
control conduit to jacket right side panel with 5/8"
cable clamp provided, refer to Figure 1B.
Figure 9: Recommended Boiler Piping for Series Loop Hot Water System
a. Water boilers without tankless heater and with
front tankless heater. Connect the field wiring
from the circulator to the aquastat control and
from the control to the burner. Make the wiring
connections as shown on Figures 16B.
b. Water boilers with rear tankless heater. Connect
the field wiring from a standard junction box to
the circulator, aquastat control and burner. Make
the wiring connections as shown on Figure 17B.
(see Figures 1C and 1D).
1. Thread ¾" MPT safety valve and ¾" NPT coupling
onto factory installed ¾" NPT x 7¼" nipple located
in left rear corner on top of boiler as shown in
Figure 1C. Tighten with wrench. Pipe discharge as
shown in Figure 11. Installation of the relief valve
must be consistent with ANSI/ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Section IV.