Administrator utility 10.14 port management – Tripp Lite NetDirector B060-032-8 User Manual
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10. Administrator Utility
10.14 Port Management
B060-032-8 port access rights for users and groups can also be set on a port-by-port basis, giving Super Administrators and Administrators a high degree
of control over which KVM ports users can access and how they can access the KVM ports. If you have already assigned group/user access rights using
the Group Management or User Management instructions, you can use the following procedures to modify access on a port-by-port basis. Note: Access
assigned to individual users supercedes their group access rights.
This section covers:
• Assignment of Group/User access to individual ports
• Confi guring KVM port settings and assigning names to KVM ports
• Restoring KVM port defaults
Accessing Ports
All KVM ports in the station are listed on the Port Select Webpage.
To open the Port Select Webpage:
In the tree view, click on a station to select it.
Administration menu, choose Port Management. The Port
Select Web Page for that station appears (Figure 20).
Port Select Web Page is divided into two columns. Port IDs are
listed in the left-hand column, in ascending order. Click the port ID to
access the Port Management Web Page for a specifi c KVM port. If a
KVM port has been named, the name appears to the right of the port ID in
the Port Note column.
Managing Port Access
Each KVM port has an individual Port Management Web Page that is used to set port access rights, assign port names and confi gure other port settings.
(To add users to ports directly from the User Information page, see “User Management,” page 22. To add groups to ports directly from the Group
Information page, see “Group Management,” page 20.) By default, a user who has access to a port that is cascaded to another KVM will have access to all
ports on that KVM. In cascaded B060-032-8 installations, the administrator can assign access on a port-by-port basis. Additionally, cascaded B060-032-8
installations will display a separate Chain Connection Icon in the Tree View for every bus connection (the connection between the upper-level server port
and the lower-level user port) to the cascaded B060-032-8. This gives administrators the ability to create up to eight sets of access rights (one for each bus-
connected port to a cascaded B060-032-8) enabling them to manage access to the cascaded B060-032-8 more effectively.
While ports of a cascaded B060-032-8 have their own port management page, ports of daisy-chained B060-032s or B060-016-2s and cascaded B007-008s
do not. Access to a daisy-chained B060-032 or B060-016-2 must be given using the User Information Web Page or the Group Information Web Page.
Access to a cascaded B007-008 is given by assigning access to the port that is used to cascade to it. Users/Groups given Port Access for cascaded B007-008s
or Daisy-Chained B060-032s and B060-016-2s will have access to all computers/servers connected to them. Those who have access to daisy-chained B060-
032s or B060-016-2s will also have access to all lower-level KVMs in a daisy chain, as well as to their corresponding ports. Individual port access cannot be
set for computers connected to a cascaded B007-008 or a Daisy-Chained B060-032 or B060-016-2.
Figure 20: Port Select Web Page