Sec tion 1 - quick set-up, Sec tion 2 - sys tem de scrip tion – Telex ELECTRO-VOICE RE-2 User Manual
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Sec tion 1 - Quick Set-Up
Quick Set-up: Re ceiver
1. Do not con nect the re ceiver to any other equip ment yet!
2. Con nect the two an ten nas to the re ceiver.
3. Plug the power sup ply into the back of the re ceiver and
into an out let
4. Press the POWER switch. Dis play will light up.
5. Press and hold the SET but ton un til ClearScan
and starts flash ing on the right side of the screen.
6. When ClearScan
stops flash ing, the re ceiver will au to mat -
i cally set it self and dis play the clear est group and chan nel.
If you are us ing a gui tar, turn off the re ceiver. Press and
hold SET while you turn the receiver on. A gui tar sym bol
will ap pear in the dis play to in di cate in stru ment mode.
Turn the re ceiver off and con nect the mixer or other au dio
sys tem to the re ceiver XLR Con nec tor or the ¼ inch Line
Level Jack.
Set the au dio mixer or other sys tem in put level to min i -
10. Press the Power switch but ton in again.
Re ceiver “Quick Set-up” is com plete.
Quick set-up: Trans mit ter
1. With the Power Switch on the trans mit ter OFF, in stall a
fresh al ka line bat tery into the trans mit ter.
2. Place the trans mit ter Power Switch to the ON po si tion.
3. The Red
Bat tery Low
Light near the dis play will flash on
and then off. The dis play will also come on and dis play a
group and chan nel.
4. Press the SET but
ton once and the Group num
ber will
5. Use the up and down ar rows to change the Group num ber
to match the Group num
ber dis
played on the re
Press SET and the Chan nel Num ber will flash.
6. Use the up and down ar row but tons to change the Chan nel
to match the re ceiver. Press Set and noth ing will be flash -
ing. The chan nel is now set.
7. If you are us ing a bodypack trans mit ter, plug the mi cro -
phone into the trans mit ter con nec tor.
If us ing a gui tar, turn
the trans mit ter off and wait un til dis play is blank. Hold
SET down and turn the trans mit ter on. A gui tar sym bol
should ap pear on the dis play
. Plug the cord into the trans -
mit ter and gui tar.
Trans mit ter “Quick Set-up” is com plete.
Quick set-up: Sys tem Op er a tion
1. With the trans mit ter and re ceiver on, mon i tor the dis play
screen. Note that the RF (1-100) Bar graph should in di cate
near the 100 mark. The AF Bar should show very lit tle, if
any, in di ca tion un til you talk or sing into the mi cro phone.
Ad just the trans mit ter gain con trol if nec es sary to cause
the AF Bar Graph to peak near -6 to -3 but not over +3 for
best per for mance.
2. Set the mixer/amp gain.
3. Talk or sing into the mi cro phone or play the gui tar at a
nor mal vol ume. You should hear au dio com ing out of the
sys tem.
4. If us ing the un bal anced 1/4" out put, you may have to ad -
just the gain (via the con trol next to the con nec tor on the
back panel) to match the level found when sing ing or play -
ing with a wired con nec tion.
"Quick Set-up" is now com plete.
Please en joy your RE-2 sys tem.
Sec tion 2 - Sys tem De scrip tion
The RE-2 Wire less Mi cro phone sys tem com bines fre quency
agil ity and ease of use like no other. The RE-2 trans mit ters
and re ceiv ers op er ate over a 24 MHz band width in the UHF
por tion of the
Ra dio Fre quency
spec trum.
Sys tem Fea tures In clude:
The high qual
ity au
dio cir
cuitry and ad
vanced Ra
dio Fre
quency (RF) sig
nal pro
ing of
fer broad
cast qual
ity sig
nal-to-noise and au dio clar ity.
Ad vanced ClearScan
tech nol ogy for se lect ing the clear est
avail able chan nels in intermodulation free groups.
Com pletely pro gram ma ble in 25 kHz steps for over 950
pos si ble fre quen cies.
plays for ease of view
ing-Group, Chan
nel, Fre
quency, Bat tery Sta tus, Di ver sity Ac tiv ity, Au dio Me ter and
RF Me ter.
Pat ented Phase Di ver sity Sys tem
Ad just able Un bal anced Line Level 1/4 inch out put jack
Bal anced XLR out put jack for fixed Mi cro phone Level or
ad just able Line Level
Front Panel Power ON/OFF Switch
Front Panel Soft ware Con trol of Squelch set tings
ble Squelch (Am
tude and Tone) sys
tem pre
false squelch
Lock out fea ture to pre vent ac ci den tal chan nel changes
"Smart" bat tery fea ture in the trans mit ter means there is no
wrong ori en ta tion
Power Lock On
fea ture
pre vents ac ci den tal turn off
Bat tery level dis played at the re ceiver