Telex ELECTRO-VOICE RE-2 User Manual

Page 12

background image

Trou ble Shoot ing Guide (con tin ued)


Prob lem

Interference (continued)

Short range or drop-outs

Can't change set

tings on re

ceiver or

trans mit ter

Bodypack or Handheld trans



will not turn off, dis play says On-Loc

Pos si ble Causes

Re ceiver is too close to dig i tal sig nal
pro ces sor or sim i lar de vice

Strong elec tro mag netic field from
stage light ing or other source near the
trans mit ter or re ceiver, which may be
pro duc ing RF noise at or near the op -
er at ing fre quency

RF re flec tive metal ob sta cles be tween
the trans mit ter and re ceiver

Poorly ori ented beltpack an tenna

Faulty re ceiv ing an tenna sys tem

Lock-out fea ture is en abled

On/Off lock-out is en gaged

So lu tions

Move the r e ceiver to a d if fer ent

Use ClearScan


to change the op er at -

ing fre

quency. Re

pair or re

move the

source of in



ence. Move the re


ceiver to a dif fer ent lo ca tion.

Move the ob


cles, or reposition the

re ceiver/an ten nas

Check the an tenna connection and re -
ori ent the bodypack so the an tenna is
ver ti cal (up and down) and fac ing the
re ceiver, if pos si ble.

Check all an tenna connections and re -
po si tion to be in line-of-sight with the
trans mit ter

Dis able lock out (see pages 3 and 8)

Put the on/off switch in the off po si tion
and press one of the pro gram ming but -
tons (see page 8)