Sec tion 5 - trou ble shoot ing guide – Telex ELECTRO-VOICE RE-2 User Manual
Page 11
![background image](/manuals/208253/11/background.png)
Sec tion 5 - Trou ble Shoot ing Guide
Prob lem
No au dio and no dis play on the
re ceiver
No au dio and no RF sig nal in di ca tor
on the re ceiver dis play
No Au dio with good RF sig nal in di ca -
tor but no (or low) Au dio in di ca tor on
the re ceiver dis play
No (or low) Au dio with good RF sig -
nal and Au dio in di ca tors on re ceiver
dis play
Dis torted au dio sig nal
Pos si ble Causes
Re ceiver is off
Trans mit ter is off
Trans mit ter is on a dif fer ent chan nel
No (or dead) bat tery in trans mit ter
Faulty bat tery contacts
Mi cro phone not connected
Low gain set ting on the trans mit ter
ceiver au
dio out
put ca
ble is dam
aged or dis con nected
Gain not suf fi cient on
mixer/preamp/amp in put or it is muted
Re ceiver out put too low (1/4" out put)
Trans mit ter au dio gain too high
Re ceiver out put too high (1/4" out put)
Bat tery level low in trans mit ter
An other RE-2 sys tem in the in stal la -
tion is on the same chan nel or the sig -
nals are mix ing
An other wire less prod uct in the area is
on the same fre quency or the sig nals
are mix ing
So lu tions
Make sure that the power sup
ply is
prop erly con nected and the on/off but -
ton is in the on po si tion
Turn on trans mit ter power switch
Match the trans mit ter group and chan -
nel to the one dis played on the re ceiver.
In sert fresh bat tery in trans mit ter
Clean and or bend contact
Check the TA4F con
tor on the
bodypack or the de
able mi
phone el e ment con nec tion on the
In crease the trans mit ter gain
Con nect, re pair or re place ca ble
Increase gain on mixer or un-mute
the in put
In crease the au dio out put set ting
De crease the trans mit ter gain set ting
De crease the re ceiver out put set ting
In sert fresh bat tery in trans mit ter
Make sure all the chan nels in use are
from the same group. Use ClearScan
to se
lect the clear
est group. If more
chan nels are needed call Telex at
800-392-3497 for co or di na tion help
Use ClearScan
to change the op er at -
ing fre quency. If prob lems per sist, call
Telex at 800-392-3497 for co or di na tion