TDK LPDA-8003 User Manual

Data sheet, Lpda-8003, Log periodic dipole antenna

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Data Sheet

1101 Cypress Creek Road 

Cedar Park, Texas 78613, USA 

1-512-258-9478 

FAX 1-512-258-0740




Log Periodic Dipole Antenna

Product Overview

The TDK LPDA-8003 Log Periodic Dipole Antenna
is a new generation compact antenna used for
transmitting and receiving broadband radio sig-
nals. It is especially suited for dual band communi-
cation testing where the antenna must not interfere
with the measurement environment. The LPDA-
8003 provides optimal performance over the wide
operating frequency range of 800 MHz to 3
GHz. The LPDA-8003 features reduced cross po-
larization, improved pattern symmetry, and moder-
ate power handling capability, making it an excel-
lent choice for both communications testing as well
as the most stringent metrology applications.

Leading-Edge Design

The LPDA-8003’s com-

pact design features a reduced boom size which
results in excellent cross polarization rejection. The
antenna’s patent-pending balun design provides
improved pattern symmetry and a low VSWR.



Communications equipment testing


Land mobile communication bands, GSM,
ISM testing


Site attenuation




Transmission loss measurements



Compact broadband design


Improved pattern symmetry


Reduced cross polarization


Moderate power capability (500W)


Fits common antenna mounts;
TDK RF Solutions mounts are also available


Individually calibrated according to ANSI
C63.5 with signed certificate of calibration

The TDK LPDA-8003 Log Periodic Dipole An-
tenna features an improved design offering
superior performance over the ultra-wide fre-
quency range of 800 MHz to 3 GHz.