TOA Electronics CST38MH User Manual

Page 11

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step 5. The height of vertical chimney pipe sup-

ported only by the fireplace must not

exceed 30'. Chimney heights above 30'

must be supported by a Model FTF8-S4

stabilizer installed at 30' intervals.

Note: The Model FTF8-S4 adds 3" net effective

height to the total chimney system.

Install the Model FTF8-S4 stabilizer by fitting

inner section down into respective section of

proceeding flue pipe and locking outer stabilizer

section into place over the outer chimney pipe.

Position for proper clearance through framed

opening and nail straps securely (under tension

in “shear”) into place on framing. Use 8d nails.

Attach successive lengths of chimney pipe

directly to stabilizer using same techniques as

described in Step 4 (Figure 27).

locking Tabs


Note: Assemble one component of chimney at

a time (inner section first, then outer section

last) before proceeding with the next complete


Continue to assemble the chimney up through

framed ceiling opening. Assemble just enough

to penetrate the roof flashing openings (Figure

26). Always maintain 2" (51 mm) minimum

air space to combustible materials and always

check each pipe joint (inner and outer) to ensure

proper engagement. Check vertical alignment

of chimney so that it projects from the roof in

true vertical position.

fTf8-s4 stabilizer

" (51mm) min. air space

to combustibles

Figure 26

step 7. Secure flashing by nailing along the

perimeter into roof using 8d nails or

equivalent fasteners. If shingled roof,

slide upper end and sides of roof flash-

ing under shingles (trim if necessary),

seal the top and both sides of the

flashing to the roof with roof caulking.

Cover fastener heads with roof caulking

(Figure 29).

Figure 28

fTf8 chimney

fTf8 flashing

do not seal

Figure 25

Figure 27

Note: Do not apply excessive pressure to any

subsequent chimney sections following the

stabilizer when installing. Ensure each subse-

quent chimney section is securely attached by

testing as noted in Step 4.

step 6. Select the proper Security Chimneys

roof flashing based on pitch of roof.

Use chart below for selection:

Next, slide roof flashing over extended chimney

section that previously has been installed above

the roof opening in Step 4. Slide flashing all the

way down until the flashing base rests flat on

the roof (Figure 28). Again, check the vertical

position of the chimney and the minimum air

space to combustibles.

roof Pitch


flat to 6/1


6/1 to 1/1


Table 2

Figure 29

Security's chimney sections do not need to be

screwed together. Additional reinforcement is

not necessary except in certain offset conditions

(refer to Page 16, Figure 38).