Welcome, E l c o m e – OmniWare Pro 12 ScanSoft User Manual
Page 7

OmniPage Pro User’s Guide 7
Welcome to OmniPage Pro
, and thank you for using our software! The
following documentation has been provided to help you get started and
give you an overview of the program.
This User’s Guide
This guide introduces you to using OmniPage Pro 12. It includes
installation and setup instructions, a description of the program’s
commands and working areas, task-oriented instructions, ways to
customize and control processing, and technical information. The guide
is presented in PDF format, allowing you to use hyperlink jumps on
cross-references and other navigation tools in your PDF viewer.
Online Help
OmniPage Pro’s online Help contains information on features, settings,
and procedures. The online Help is provided as HTML help, and has
been designed for quick and easy information retrieval. Comprehensive
context-sensitive help aims to provide just enough assistance to let you
keep working without delay. See “Getting online Help” on page 9.
Readme File
The Readme file contains last-minute information about the software.
Please read it before using OmniPage Pro. To open this HTML file,
choose Readme in the OmniPage Pro Installer or afterwards in the Help
Scanning and other information
ScanSoft’s web site at
the program. The Scanner Guide contains up-dated information about
supported scanners and related issues; ScanSoft tests the 25 most widely
used scanner models. Access ScanSoft’s web site from the OmniPage Pro
Installer or afterwards from the Help menu.