Dhcp server tab – OTC Wireless 802.11a/b/g AP/Repeater TRIMAR User Manual
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11. DHCP Server Tab
DHCP Server Configuration
The TRIMAR AP can be configured to function as a DHCP server. To use
this feature, since the TRIMAR AP can only issue IP addresses within its
own IP subnet,
the TRIMAR AP must be given an IP address in the
same IP subnet as the IP addresses it will be assigning.
DHCP server:
Check this box to enable the TRIMAR AP’s
DHCP functions.
DHCP address range start: Enter the first number of the fourth octet
in the range of IP addresses to be
DHCP address range end: Enter the last number of the fourth octet
in the range of IP addresses to be
DHCP timeout:
Enter the number of minutes that an
issued IP address will remain valid.
Preferred DNS server:
IP address of the primary DNS server.
Alternate DNS server:
IP address of the alternate DNS server.
WLAN client only:
Optionally, the TRIMAR AP can be
instructed to offer IP addresses only to
wireless clients. Check this box to enable
this feature. This function may be
mandatory in some network situations.
DHCP table:
On this tab, use this button to access the
DHCP server client table (Figure 30).
DHCP server client table
This report shows information as to which PCs have been assigned DHCP
IP addresses by the TRIMAR AP.
DHCP table:
On this tab, use this button to refresh the
DHCP server client table (Figure 31).
Figure 30: DHCP Server Configuration
Figure 31: DHCP server client table
Version 1.0
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