Transferring files to lyra av jukebox, Disconnecting your lyra from the computer, Chapter 1: software setup – RCA Lyra AV RD2780 User Manual

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Chapter 1: Software Setup



The LyraSync Options screen appears.


Click Insert to select the paths of files and folders to synchronize between your PC and the
Device. Click OK.


Select the desired LyraSync direction.

• PC overwrites Device

• Device overwrites PC

• Synchronize PC and Device


Click Synchronize to start.

Transferring Files to Lyra AV Jukebox

You can transfer files to your Lyra AV Jukebox via MusicMatch Jukebox or Windows Explorer. For more information on
transferring Video files, go to page 19. For more information on transferring Audio files, go to page 23. For more
information on transferring Photo files, go to page 27.

Disconnecting Your Lyra from the Computer

Windows Users

Before disconnecting your device, to ensure there is no loss of data, from the System Tray, left click on the

icon (or the

icon in Windows 98SE/Me) and select Unplug or Eject Hardware (the Unplug or Eject Hardware screen appears). Select

the drive(s) corresponding to your Lyra player and click Stop.

The Stop a Hardware Device screen appears. Select the device to be stopped again for confirmation and click OK. You can

also stop your Lyra AV Jukebox by right clicking on the

icon (or the

icon in Windows 98SE/Me) from the system

tray and selecting the drive(s) corresponding to your player.

Mac Users

From the Desktop, drag the mounted volume icon(s) associated with the Lyra AV Jukebox into the trash folder.

Note: If CompactFlash is connected, two volumes will be available on the desktop.

You can also select the Eject option for the mounted volume(s) associated with the device to ensure the device is properly
put away before being disconnected.