Other risk factors, Other risk factors -6 – Rolls-Royce 1004227 User Manual
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EPRI Proprietary Licensed Material
development programs and is entering commercial use. Advanced industrial technology trends
which are considered medium to high risk with respect to product reliability include:
• Dry low NO
Combustion systems*
• Cannular and annular designs with multiple fuel injection nozzles
• Exclusive industrial TBCs and bond coatings*
• Exclusive oxidation coatings*
• Closed loop steam cooling systems*
• External cooling air cooling systems
• Closed loop air cooling systems
• Staged combustion for high turndown capability
*Highest risk technologies
Rolls-Royce advanced aero technology is being applied to ALSTOM engines under a long-term
technology transfer agreement (ref. Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide April 2002, p. 4). Very
high temperature technologies, advanced aerodynamics, very high strength/high temperature
materials and protective coatings will be applied to improve efficiency, power output and
durability of ALSTOM’s heavy duty combustion turbines. Note that a technology transfer
agreement was in place with Westinghouse in the early 1990’s to apply advanced technology to
the frame 501F and G machines. Considering that Westinghouse and Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries developed the 501F/G machines jointly, the same technology may have been
incorporated into the 50 Hz 701F/G machines by MHI. Furthermore, Siemens subsequently
acquired Westinghouse, presumably gaining access to that previous technology as well.
Other Risk Factors
The transfer, development, and introduction of new hardware into the industrial power
generation environment are part of the scope of a system that contributes to the life cycle cost
picture. Hardware, first cost, and new advanced technology is misused if the integration of the
whole system from “cradle to grave” is not addressed, because hardware is only a portion of the
risk. Some elements of these “other risk elements” are summarized below. This is not intended
to be a complete list of items. These items may have as significant an impact on the successful
lifetime operation of the plant as the “advanced hardware” if not addressed adequately.
• Experience/skill level
• Degree of training
• Cost reduction in O&M programs
• Heavy reliance on OEM’s