Find your dish pointing coordinates, Getting assistance – RCA HD Receiver User Manual

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Getting Assistance


Using the On-Screen Signal Meter

The signal strength meter is used to determine whether you are receiving the DIRECTV
signal; it also indicates the strength of the DIRECTV signal once the signal is acquired.

Follow these steps to bring up the on-screen signal meter:


Press MENU on the remote to bring up the main menu.


Select Assistance then Dish Pointing.


Select Signal Meter.

If the dish is pointed correctly, the signal meter will show you the current
signal strength (and you should hear a continuous tone).

While the maximum
signal strength is 100,
the signal strength you
achieve will probably be
less. Although there is
no difference in picture
quality between signal
strengths of 60 and 85,
the higher the signal,
the less likely you are to
experience negative
effects in degraded
conditions such as rain
or snow (called “rain

Peak Signal

The “Peak Signal”
indicates the highest
signal strength you have
obtained, which is not
necessarily the highest
possible signal.

Find Your Dish Pointing Coordinates

Full instructions for installation are provided with your satellite dish antenna. To obtain
your dish pointing coordinates:


Press MENU on the remote to bring up the main menu.


Select Assistance then either Enter Zip Code or Enter Lat/Long.


Enter the appropriate numbers.

NOTE: The screen that you see may be slightly different from the one pictured here.


Record elevation, azimuth, and polarization (necessary only with an oval dish)
numbers below.


Follow the installation instructions provided with your satellite dish antenna.



Tilt (oval dish only) __________

You only need to use
one of the available
methods to find your
dish pointing
coordinates. If you know
the Zip Code for the dish
location, use that.

Elevation is the up/down
angle that the dish is

Azimuth is the side-to-
side direction that the
dish is pointed.

Tilt is the circular
rotation of the dish
itself, like a steering