Connections & setup, Complete the channel search, Set the menu language – RCA Scenium M50WH187 User Manual

Page 16: Choose setup options, Chapter

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Connections & Setup


Complete the Channel Search

Even though this initial channel search can take several minutes, you must
complete it in order for your TV to display channels and programming
information. Make sure you’ve connected your TV to cable and/or off-air
signals before you begin the channel search.

All the options are selected for you to ensure a full channel search is
completed. Press the right arrow button. An alert screen appears to allow you
to start a channel search or customize the options.

Press OK to start a channel search or if you want to change some of the
options, use the arrow buttons to highlight those options. Press OK to check
or uncheck an option. Then highlight Start Search and press OK to start the
channel search.

When the channel search is complete a message screen appears. Press OK to

Notes: If you skip Channel Search now, you can access it later
through the Channel Setup menu. For more detailed instructions, refer
to Chapter 4 of the User’s Guide.
If a cable box is connected to your TV’s CABLE INPUT, or the
CableCARD slot is in use, don’t check the Cable Input box.


The first Channel Search can take up to 20 minutes if
the TV is searching for analog and digital channels,
and cable and antenna inputs are being searched.
You may want to leave and come back later.

Cancel Setup

Continue Setup

Go Back




Two lines of help text will appear in this area to explain the

feature and instruct the user on how to use it.

Check fewer boxes to make the search faster (but less

complete) and vice versa. A complete search takes about

50 minutes.

To add a channel that Channel Search didn't find, clear all

menus and tune to the channel with the number keys.

Start Search

Cable Input
Antenna Input

Detect antenna or cable signal
Search channels already in my channel list(s)
Remove scrambled digital cable channels

Select other search options:

Digital channels
Analog channels

Select input to search:

Select channels to search:

Main Menu


Channel Setup

Cancel Setup

Continue Setup

Go Back








to point to an option, then press OK to

select it. Press 4 to return to the menu.

Mise en surbrillance avec 5 et 6. Sélection avec OK.

Resalte con las flechas 5 y 6. Seleccione con el botón OK.


Highlight with the 5and 6 arrows. Select with the OK button.


Main Menu


Setup Options


Assisted Setup


Menu Language


Set the Menu Language

Press the right arrow button, then press OK to select English and continue to
the next step. Press the down arrow button to choose another language, then
press OK to continue.

Choose Setup Options

Quick Startup is a power saving feature. Select to enable or disable Quick Startup. Decide
which option is best for you. Enabling Quick Startup allows you to turn on the TV faster than
if disabled. If a CableCARD is in use, Quick Startup is always enabled and cannot be changed.
Press OK to continue.

Several more screens appear that give you basic tips about using your TV. Read through the
information and continue to press OK until the screens disappear.

Note: When you disable Quick Startup it adds approximately 30 seconds to the TV’s turn
on time.