Sms messages, About sms messages, Find your sms number – Blackberry 6750 User Manual
Page 15: Type an sms number, Open an sms message, Send an sms message

SMS messages
Delete multiple messages at one time
Mark a message as opened or unopened
SMS messages — frequently asked questions
About SMS messages
With an SMS-compatible phone number, you can
send and receive short message service (SMS)
messages. An SMS-compatible number is a phone
number (work, home, mobile, or pager) that your
service provider enables for SMS.
You can send SMS messages to contacts who have
SMS compatible phone numbers.
Find your SMS number
In the phone, the My Number field displays your
phone number. If your handheld is enabled for
SMS, this number is also your SMS number.
Type an SMS number
Contact your service provider for more information
about SMS number format. Your service provider
might require that all SMS numbers include the
area code and other prefixes.
In the phone, set your smart-dialing options to
avoid typing the country code and area code.
Related topic
Open an SMS message
An unopened SMS message appears in the
messages list with a closed italic envelope icon.
After you open the message, the closed italic
envelope changes to an open italic envelope.
Send an SMS message
In the messages list, click the trackwheel.
Click Compose SMS.
Click [Use Once].
Click SMS.
Type the SMS-compatible phone number.
Click the trackwheel.
Click Continue.
Type a message.
Click the trackwheel.
10. Click Send.
If you have added contacts to the address book,
you can select a contact from the list after you
click Compose SMS.
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