Razor Electric Punk User Manual

Page 9

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NOTE: Although we make every effort to keep our manual up-to-

date, if your Electric Punk does not look exactly this, then we’ve made
improvements since this document was printed. Check out the Razor
website: for technical updates on the latest service and
adjustment procedures.

4E. Inflating the tires

The tires on the Electric Punk are inflated when shipped, but they
invariably will lose some pressure between the point of manufacturing
and your purchase. Both tires require 36 psi inflation pressure.
Periodically and regularly check the tire pressure and reinflate as

Using a bicycle style tire pump equipped with a Schrader-type pump
head, inflate the tires to 36 psi as shown in Figures 6a, 6b and 6c. Note
that the air valve for the rear tire is in a particularly tight spot! We have
tested this fit with different type of pumps and there is just enough room
between the brake and the wheel for most pumps to be connected.

Figure 6a.

Figure 6b.

Figure 6c.

Note regarding using an air hose at a gas station. The

pressurized air supplies found at gasoline stations are designed to
inflate high volume automobile tires. These systems are capable of
instantaneously over-inflating the tires of the Electric Punk. If you decide
to use such a supply to inflate your ties, make sure the pressure gauge
is working prior to inflating the tires. Use very short bursts to inflate to
the correct psi. If you inadvertently over-inflate the tire, release the
excess pressure immediately.