RF-Link NL6000 User Manual

Page 50

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RF Neulink

NL6000 User Guide


Power value, 47
Pre-Data DCD Time, 34
procedures, 29
Program Mode, 30


Radio Menu, 43
Receive Frequency for Active


Receive Gain, 49
regulatory information, 9
Repeater Submenu,
42 repeater units
behavior, 19

frequency planning, 21
setup, 36

Request ACKs, 35
Restart, 30
Restore Default Parameters, 39
Restore Parameters from Disk, 39

default parameters, 39
parameters from disk, 38

returning to the previous menu, 31
reverting to the prior configuration, 30
RF channel, planning, 28


safety warnings, 9
Save Parameters to Disk, 38
Save/Restore Parameters Menu, 44

configuration changes temporarily,
30 configuration changes to flash,
30 parameters to disk, 38

Select Repeater Entry, 36
selecting the repeater entry to edit, 36
Serial Menu, 41
serial parameters, basic, 26

serial port connector, 13

the active channel, 32
the baud rate, 33
the contention option, 35
the data bits, 33 the
data rate, 35 the
DCD mode, 33
the flow control option, 33 the
maximum packet size, 34 the
packet mode, 34
the post-data DCD time, 34
the pre-data DCD time, 34
the program mode, 30
the receive frequency, 32
the repeater transmit channel, 37
the repeater transmit delay, 37
the repeater trigger, 36
the repeater trigger ID, 37 the
request ACKs option, 35 the
stop bits, 33
the target unit ID, 32
the transmit character timeout, 33
the transmit frequency, 32
the unit ID, 32
the unit type, 32

setting the maximum retries option, 35
specifications, 11
Stop Bits, 33
Summary window, 31, 40
support, technical, 16


TOID, 32
transmission mode. See packet mode
Transmit Channel, 37
Transmit Character Timeout, 33
Transmit Delay, 22, 37
Transmit Frequency for Active Channel,


Trigger, 36
troubleshooting, 45


Unit Type, 32