Using the tv’s features – RCA D30W750T User Manual

Page 28

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Using the TV’s Features


Chapter 3

Using the TV’s Features

Chapter 3


The V-Chip Rating Screen

The following is an example of where items are located within the Rating Limit screen.

Rating Settings Area

Lets you see the current block/view state of age-based ratings and as-
sociated content. The View (

) settings are coded in green, and the

Block ( ) settings are coded in red.

Rating Field

Lets you select from a list of
age-based ratings you can
block or view.

Rating Status Field

Lets you select whether the status of the age-based rating limit to
the left is View or Block.

Content Themes

Lists the content themes you
can block or view.

Content Status Fields

Lets you select which con-
tent themes to view for the
selected rating, and whether
the status of the content
theme is currently unlocked

) or locked ( ).