Performance settings – Raritan Computer Raritan TeleReach TR361 User Manual
Page 55

Private key: Enter a private key password. This private key acts as a second level of password
protection. Only remote users who know the private key password, in addition to their user name and
password, can log in and connect to IP-Reach.
Confirm private key: Enter private key password again for re-confirmation.
Note: Private key passwords are case sensitive. For remote user login, they must be entered by the user in
the exact case combination in which they were created here.
Note: Private key passwords must be alphanumeric. Special characters cannot be used.
Enable SNMP: Toggles whether IP-Reach responds to SNMP GET REQUESTS
Require strong password: Requires user passwords to have a minimum of 6 characters with at least
one alphabetical character and one non-alphabetical character (punctuation or number). The first four
characters of the password and the username cannot match.
Password validity period: Type a number of days in this field to force users to change their
passwords after a set duration.
Enable multiple user login: When this rule is selected, a given username/password combination can
be connected into IP-Reach from multiple client workstations at a time.
Performance Settings
The Performance Settings screen is used to set up IP-Reach’s video data transfer and bandwidth parameters.
Pause video stream for idle users: Pausing the flow of video data during periods of prolonged
inactivity will prevent an inactive user from needlessly consuming bandwidth.
Never (default): Video data will continually be sent to Remote PC, constantly updating the
screen, even if the remote user is Idle, sending no active input to IP-Reach.
After 5, 15, 30, 60, or 120 minutes: Video data flow to the Remote PC will pause after the
selected time period has passed with no active input from the Remote PC.
Maximum total Bandwidth usage: Sets an upper limit to the amount of bandwidth that can be
consumed by this one IP-Reach unit.
No Limit (default): IP-Reach can consume as much bandwidth as needed.
10, 5, 2, or 1 megabit or 512, 256, 128 kilobit: Total bandwidth available to be consumed by
this IP-Reach unit is limited to the selected quantity. The lower the bandwidth allowed, the
slower the performance that may result.
Maximum Bandwidth per user: Sets an upper limit to the amount of bandwidth that can be
consumed by each user logged onto this one IP-Reach unit.
Note: The availability of concurrent remote access is determined by the global setting PC Share Mode on
the Security Configuration screen, or individually by user profile through the Keyboard and Mouse
Control and Concurrent Access Mode settings on the User Account Settings screen. Control of IP-Reach
and a connected Target Server is based on first active keyboard/mouse input, so multiple remote users
attempting keyboard input or mouse movement at exactly the same moment may experience uneven control.