Erasing file / folder, Erasing selected file, Erasing all files in a folder – RCA 5629403B User Manual

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Erasing selected file

You can delete a file by the following

1. Select folder (A, B, C , D or


2. Select file.
3. Press ERASE once and DELETE will

blink on the screen.

4. Press and hold ERASE for 3 seconds

to confirm deleting. (or press STOP
to cancel erasing file)

Erasing all files in a folder

You can delete all files in a specific
folder by the following steps:

1. Turn on the unit.

2. Select a folder (A, B, C , D or


3. In Stop mode, press FORWARD

continuously until “ALL” appears
on the display.

4. Press ERASE and “DELETE” will

blink on the display.

5. Press and hold ERASE for about 3

seconds, all files in the selected
folder will be erased completely (or
press STOP to cancel erasing all



Erasing File / Folder


File numbers that come after

erased one will be moved forward
by one automatically.

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