Player features, Playing a compactflash card – RCA RD2211 User Manual

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Player Features

Playing a CompactFlash Card


The name of the song, artist, album,
playback mode selected, DSP mode
selected, number of the track playing,
and the elapsed playing time of the
track appear.

Note: The Volume bar, data rate and battery
indicators may also appear.

Search / Select Track in STOP Mode
To play a different track when the play-
er is stopped: Press F. SKIP. or B.SKIP or
turn the SELECT/VOLUME control up or
down to move the cursor down or up
the list.

Press PLAY to play the track.

01 Walking Fan J
02 Don’t See Me
03 Fire and Snow
04 Atlanta Jerry
05 Show the Mood

Fire and Snow-Jo
id Ward

Volume=30 FLAT

8. Press STOP•OFF to place the player
in the stop mode. The playlist will
show on the display

Note: After approximately one minute with-
out key activation, the player will turn off to
conserve batteries.

9. Press STOP•OFF again to return to
the selection menu.
Press and hold STOP•OFF to turn off
the player.

10. Press STOP•OFF from the selection
menu and the player will power off.

Cautions: Headset Safety

Do not play your headset at a high volume.

Hearing experts advise against continuous extended play.

If you experience a ringing in your ears, reduce the vol-
ume or discontinue use.

Do not use the headphones while operating a motorized
vehicle or bicycle. It may create a traffic hazard and is ille-
gal in many areas.

Use extreme caution or temporarily discontinue use in potentially hazardous

Search in Playback
To play the next or previous track while
the player is playing, press F.SKIP or

7. During playback, adjust the volume
by turning the SELECT/VOLUME control
up or down. The Volume level selected
appears in the display.

Fire and Snow-Jo
di Ward


Trk=03 1:38

6. Press PLAY again to start playing the
first track in the list. Detailed informa-
tion about the track that is playing
appears in the LCD display.


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