Renesas M16C/26A User Manual

Page 16

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• Press on the debug tool bar.

• Press ‘CTRL-B’ to open the breakpoint window.

This dialog is not available if user debugged using

eventpoints as suggested at top of page 10. ‘CTRL-E’

will open the eventpoint window. Eventpoins can be

viewed in Breakcondition tab of event window.

• Select

• Press .

• Open the file ‘main.c’

• Insert a breakpoint on Statics_Test();.

The statics test is used to demonstrate that the initialisation has successfully copied all initialised variables from storage in flash to RAM.

• Press on the Debug Tool Bar.

The code will stop at the breakpoint. (Press a button to bypass the flashing LED test.)

• Press on the Debug Tool Bar.

It is possible to monitor variables during debugging of the code. To set up a ‘watch’ on a variable place the mouse over the variable. If the

variable is available in the current context a tool-tip will be displayed with the current value of the variable.

• Hover the mouse over the ‘ucStr’ variable to see the tooltip value. Then Right click on the variable name and select ‘Instant


A dialog will open showing the variable and allowing further details to be explored.

• Press

The dialog will close and a new pane will open in the workspace containing the variable.

It is possible to see that the string has been successfully initialised to ‘ STATIC ‘.

• Set a breakpoint on the call to DisplayString(); inside the for loop.

• Press ‘Go’ to run the code from the current PC
