Remote Technologies RPC-320 User Manual

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Page 1-2 RPC -320

Symbols and Term inology

NOTE: Text under this heading is helpful information.

I t i s i nt e nd e d t o a c t a s a r e m in d er o f s o m e
operation or interaction with another device that
may not be obvious.


Information under this heading warns you of
situations which might cause catastrophic or
irreversible damage.


Denotes jump er block pins.

< xxx> Paired angle brackets are used to indicate a

specific key o n your ke yboard . F or exam ple
< esc> means the escape key.

BASIC uses the decimal convention for designating
addresses and data. There are times when hexadecimal
notation is mo re conv enient to use. Notation use d in this
manual and BASIC-52 is the ' H' character after the
numbe r. 8CH stands for 8 C hexa decima l.


I f yo u ha v e a q ue s ti on a bo u t t he R P C -3 2 0 o r R P BA S IC -
52 and can' t find it in this manual, call us and ask for
technical supp ort. Technic al suppor t hours ar e 9 AM to
4 PM mountain time.

When you call, please have your R PC-320 and BASIC-
ready. Many times it is
helpful to know what the R PC-320 is used for, so please
be ready to describe its application as well as the
p r o bl e m.

Phone: 303-690-1588


The RPC -320 uses a Dallas Semiconductor DS80C320
processor. Additional information can be obtained from
Dallas Semiconductor (214-450-0448, F AX 214-450
0470), or your distributor.