Remote Technologies RPC-320 User Manual

Page 49

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Page 14-2 RPC -320

Curr ents are maximum and minimum as specified by the
manufacturer. Min-max curr ent ranges "guaranteed" by
the device manufacturer have a tremendous range, often
by a factor of 10 or m ore. Cur rent abov e is “ty pical” .

Some current consumption is difficult to determine.
Digital outputs, for example, will draw virtually no
c u r re n t u n de r n o l oa d co n di ti on s , bu t c a n s u pp ly 1 5 m a
to each outpu t if requir ed. Ther efore, inputs and outpu ts
connected to the card will affect its current consumption.
Some chips, such as U 9, will not draw m uch current
unless ther e is activity on the R S-485 por t.

Board current consumption may be affected by the
setting of jump er W 7. T his jumper determ ines if inputs
at J3 are pulled up or down. When set to pull up inputs,
each line forced low increases current consumption by
50 uA. If all inputs are tied to + 5V or ground,
rem oving jump er W 7 may dr aw less cur rent.

The application program IC in U6 may be changed to a
29C040. This 512K byte memory draws 200 uA less
current than a 32K byte one.

Any contr ol line from P2 to gr ound dra ws 500 uA due to
the 10K pull-ups. Lines at P6 are pulled to + 5V
through a 10K resistor. Each low line draws 500 uA.

The contrast adjustment (R18) can be removed or
adjusted for minim um cur rent.

Program Examp le

This examp le makes the RP C-320 go into its lowest
power mode.

10 ONITR 500

other code

100 IDLE 2
200 GOTO 100
500 PRINT "In interrupt"
510 RETI