Remote Technologies RPC-320 User Manual
Page 13

Page 3-2 RPC -320
The time it takes save a program depends upon the
length and complexity of the program and flash EPROM
type. Pr ogramm ing rate is roughly 600 bytes/second. If
the program is not successfully saved to EPROM, an
error message will appear.
Saving a pr ogram overw rites the pr evious one. Ther e is
no way to recover the old one since both occupy the
same space.
Using SAVE without any parameters is the same as
typing SAVE 0.
When a 128K (29C 010) or 5 12K (29C 040) EP ROM is
installed in U6, the SAVE segment parameter is 0 or 1
(128K) or 0 - 7 (512K). EX ECU TE loads and runs the
program in the segment specified by SAVE. A 32K
( 2 9C 2 5 6) E P R OM c a n r u n j us t o n e p r o gr a m .
Make the following modifications to the above program
as instructed to see how one program can call another.
There m ust be a 128K or 512K EPRO M installed to run
this code.
Add the following lines:
10 PRINT "Program segment 0"
Now type:
Now m odify lines 10 and 60 as follows:
10 PRINT "Pr ogram segme nt 1"
Now type:
To see the programs operate, type
. To stop program
e x ec u ti on , p r es s < C t r l- C > .
You may notice there is a slight pause between the
printed he llo' s and pro gram segmen t number . T his is
t he ti m e i t t ak e s t o c le a r m em o r y a n d l oa d th e pr o g ra m .
Loading and clear ing take appr oximately 0.2 5 seconds in
a very small program up to 1 second in a very large
p r o gr a m .
T o a ut or u n a p r o gr a m :
Make sure there is a program in EP ROM (from
above). When using a 128K or 512K size EPROM,
make su re the star t up progr am w as saved to
segment 0.
Remove jumper W9.
Push the reset button. The program will run. If there
are any error s, the progr am will stop (assuming you
have not trapped them with ON E RROR) and display the
error m essage. EX ECU TE n is used within any
program to load and run another program. The EPROM
size must be a 128K or 512K.
When troubleshooting a program , it' s not always
convenient fo r an autoe xecute file to r un. This is
especially tr ue if the pro gram has been co nfigured to
ignore the < ESC> or < Ctl-C> keys.
To prevent autorun, install jumper W9 before power up
or re set.
Ther e are tim es when y ou may w ish to tempor arily
m o d if y or o th e r wi se te s t o u t a c ha n ge to a pr o g ra m .
Since the program is loaded into RAM in autorun,
modifica tions are m ade withou t affecting the pr ogram in
E P R O M . U s e t he L O A D or L O A D n comm and to
transfer the EPROM program to RAM.
If you find out tha t modification s are not de sirable or did
not work, you can restore the original program to RAM
using the LOAD com mand.
The RP C-320 can com e with a 32K or 512 K flash
EPROM . The size may be changed at any time. Set
W3 according to the type/size.
W 3
29C256 32K
[3-5], [4-6]
29C010 128K
[3-5], [2-4]