Remote Technologies RPC-320 User Manual

Page 50

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Page 15-1 RPC -320


80C320, 22. 1184 Mhz clock

RPBASIC-52, 32K RO M, jumperable for 64K.
Type: 27C256 Access time: 80 ns or faster.

Program ming and data is 32K or 128K RAM standard,
512K Op tional.

RAM optionally battery backed up. Battery life is 5-10
years depending upon RAM size, type, and oper ating
temperature and time.

Maximum BASIC progra m is 62K

Battery backed using D S1216DM , w hich also acts as a
real time clock. Can also use DS1213C or D to battery
b a ck r a m.

D i gi ta l I / O
The RPC -320 has 34 digital I/O lines. 24 are from J3,
which is a ge neral pur pose por t.

The specifications below a re for digital I/ O at P6 and J3
except for the eight high current lines at J3.

Drive curr ent

2.5 ma m aximum per line,
sink or source. TTL

Output low voltage

0.45V m ax at 2.5 mA , 1V
max at 15 mA for opto rack.

Output high v olts

2.4V m inimum, sink or source
at rated cu rren t.

All digital input lines are TTL compatible.

High cu rrent ou tput at J3

8 of the 24 lines can drive up to 500 ma at 50V. Refer

High current output at L8

L8 sinks up to 2 ampe res at 50 V olts. Sw itching is
through a "zero" ohm FE T switch.

O p t o i so la t ed i np u t I S O A/ I S O B

Isolated voltage s to 250 volts peak may be a pplied to this
input. A series resistor is necessary for voltages above

Keypad input
10 lines accept a 16 position matrix keypad. Scanning
and debounce performe d in RPBASIC-52.

Display output
14 digital and 6 power and ground lines used to control
LCD , VF , and LC D graphics displays. D isplays
supported in RPBASIC-52.

Serial ports
Two RS-232D serial ports. All have RxD , TxD , and
CTS lines. COM 0 has only these lines. COM1 also has
RTS. COM 1 configurable to RS-232 or RS-422/485.
Term ination network for RS-422/485 available. Baud
rates fr om 300 to 3 8.4 K are pr ogram mable. Length
fixed at 8 bits, no parity, 1 start and sto p bit.

EPROM and programmer
Accepts 29C 256, 29 C010, 29C040 or equivalent flash
EPR OM from Atmel.
Size: 32K (29C256), 128K(29C010), 512K(29C040)

Optional DS-1216DM installed in socket U5.
Accur acy to 1 m inute/m onth
Supported by RPBASIC
Expected life 3 to 5 years depending upon RAM size
installed, temperature, and operating time.

Watchdog timer, reset
Watch dog timer resets C PU whe n enabled.
Time between re sets is 380 ms or 2.8 seconds
Push button reset. Exter nal reset through W10.

Power requireme nts
+ 5 ±5% at 95 ma operating.
Current consumption is less than 5 ma in IDLE 2 mode,
all components installed.
Curr ent is less than 1 ma when analog and RS-485 chips
(U14, 15,16, and 9) are removed.
RS-232 voltages generated on card.
Current consumption does not include any opto-modules
or other acc essories.