Disconnecting your player from the computer, Transferring files to the player – RCA MC4004 User Manual

Page 13

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Transferring files to the player

Disconnecting your player from
the computer

For Windows XP users with Windows Media
Player 10 or above installed, your player is
connected in MTP mode to your computer by
default, you may disconnect the USB cable
directly when file download is completed.

For Windows XP users without Windows
Media Player 10 or above installed, your
player is connected in MSC mode. Your
player will appear as a drive letter on your
computer. You may disconnect it by clicking

icon from the System Tray and select

"Unplug or Eject hardware". Select the drive
corresponding to your player.

The "Stop a Hardware player" screen will
appear. Select the player to be stopped again
for confirmation and click OK and disconnect
your player from the computer.



Do not disconnect the USB
connection during file download.
Doing so may corrupt system files or
the files being downloaded.

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