Operation – RedMax BT2200LDC User Manual
Page 9

Do not use the Metal Cutting Blade for
model BT2200LDC and BC2200E
• Always cut by guiding the head from your
right to left.
• When mowing a wide area, start working
from the left side to avoid interference of cut
• A metal blade cuts best up to the point 1/3
from the edge. Use that area for cutting
shrubs, tough and thick weeds. For cutting
young grass, you can use up to 2/3 from the
tip of blade.
Note :
Do not use the Metal Cutting Blade for
cutting trees or thick branches. The blade is
designed to cut grass, weeds or shrubs
Working on a slope increases the danger
of losing your balance. Do not use your
unit on a slope until you have mastered its
1. Always use anti-slip shoes.
2. Do not work in and/or right after the rain
when the ground is wet and slippery.
3. Do not use your unit on a slope where firm
footholds are not secured.
4. Do not cut material above your waist or
below your ankle.
5. Be sure to stop the engine moving to the
next row.
The operator must keep his own path of
advance clear due to the possibility of
swinging around and seriously injuring a
bystander or helper.
Blade bounce can cause serious personal
injury. Carefully study this section. It is
important that you understand what causes
bounce, how you can reduce the chance of
bounce and how you can remain in control of
the unit if bounce does occur.
1. What causes blade bounce:
Bounce can occur when the moving blade
contacts an object that it cannot cut.
This contact causes the blade to stop for an
instant and then suddenly move or “bounce”
away from the object that was hit. The
operator can lose control of the unit and the
blade can cause serious personal injury to the
operator or any person nearby if the blade
contacts any part of the body.
2. How you can reduce the chance of blade
a. Recognize that bounce can happen. By
understanding and knowing about
bounce, you can help eliminate the
element of surprise.
b. Cut fibrous weeds and grass only. Do
not let the blade contact materials it
cannot cut such as hard, woody vines
and brush or rocks, fences, metal, etc.
c. Be extra prepared for bounce if you must
cut where you cannot see the blade
making contact such as in areas of
dense growth.
d. Keep the blade sharp. A dull blade
increases the chance of bounce.
e. Cut only at full throttle.
f. Avoid feeding the blade too rapidly. The
blade can bounce away from material
being cut if the blade is fed faster than its
cutting capability.
Never cut with
this side
Tough weeds
Young grass