NComputing VSPACE L300 User Manual
Page 38

L300/L230/L130 User Manual
The "Information" tab shows the following information about the selected session:
The "Station name" field shows the access device's name that was defined via the vSpace admin
The "Logged in user" field shows the username that is currently logged in.
The "Default user" field shows the default username for the vSpace user session. If one is not
configured, it shows the last user that logged in.
The "Status" field shows the session connection status.
The "Client connection" field shows the UTMA session and the IP address of the access device used.
The "Display Id" field shows the
access device’s display ID.
The "Hardware Id" field shows the
access device’s virtual hardware ID.
The "Keyboard Id" field shows what type of keyboard interface is used.
The "Pointer Id" field shows what type of pointer interface is used.
In the toolbar, there are three buttons: “Send Message,” “View Station” and “Stop Station.