5 message formats, 1 rtcm-format messages, 1 rtcm1 differential gps corrections (fixed) – Novatel SUPERSTAR II OM-20000077 User Manual

Page 35: Chapter 5 message formats

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SUPERSTAR II User Manual Rev 3


Chapter 5

Message Formats

The chapter discusses the industry-standard message formats that can be used with your SUPERSTAR II
receiver, including RTCM and NMEA. Refer to the L1 GPS Firmware Reference Manual for more information
on using these message formats.


RTCM-Format Messages

The Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM) was established to facilitate the
establishment of various radio navigation standards, which includes recommended GPS differential standard

The standards recommended by the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services Special Committee
104, Differential GPS Service (RTCM SC-104,Washington, D.C.), have been adopted by NovAtel for
implementation into the receiver. Because the receiver is capable of utilizing RTCM formats, it can easily be
integrated into positioning systems around the globe.

As it is beyond the scope of this manual to provide in-depth descriptions of the RTCM data formats, it is
recommended that anyone requiring explicit descriptions of such, should obtain a copy of the published RTCM
specifications. See Appendix D, Standards/References on Page 62 for reference information.

Message ID# 83, DGPS Configuration contains one or part of a RTCM message. The message type selected in
the Set DGPS Configuration message (Message ID# 83, bytes 9 to 16) is retransmitted through this message.
Message length is variable and a message can be transmitted up to once every 100 ms. A RTCM message
always starts as the first byte of a message and always ends as the last byte of a message. Thus, a RTCM
message can be output in one or many messages but a message block cannot contain more than one RTCM
message. The control byte is used to determine the start and the end of a RTCM message. The sequence
number of the control byte can be used to detect the loss of a message block on the transmitter side. It starts at
0 and increments by one for each consecutive message block (0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,...). Refer also to the L1 GPS
Firmware Reference Manual
for details on this message.

All receiver messages adhere to the structure recommended by RTCM SC-104. Thus, all RTCM messages are
composed of 30 bit words. Each word contains 24 data bits and 6 parity bits. All RTCM messages contain a 2-
word header followed by 0 to 31 data words for a maximum of 33 words (990 bits) per message.

The remainder of this section will provide further information concerning receiver RTCM data formats.


RTCM1 Differential GPS Corrections (Fixed)

This is the primary RTCM message used for pseudorange differential corrections. This message follows the
RTCM Standard Format for a Type 1 message. It contains the pseudorange differential correction data

Message Frame Header



Word 1

Message frame preamble for synchronization


Frame/message type ID


Base station ID




Word 2

Modified z-count (time tag)


Sequence number


Length of message frame


Base health

