Warnings and watches history – NISSAN 2011 Maxima User Manual
Page 144
Black plate (145,1)
08NJ-N Edited: 2010/ 10/ 18
1. Highlight [Current Weather and Forecasts]
and push
2. Highlight the preferred area and push
[Weather Info on Destination] is not
available unless a destination is set for
the route guidance.
When a destination is not set, nearby
weather information is displayed.
3. A weather information screen is displayed.
Highlight [Forecast] and push
4. The forecast screen is displayed. A three-
day forecast can be confirmed for the
preferred area.
5. Push
screen. Push
Voice command
1. Push > located on the steering wheel switch. 2. After the tone sounds, speak a command. To display the list for weather information: “Weather Information” (Alternate command Warnings and watches history A list can be displayed for the warning/watch 1. Highlight [Warnings and Watches History] and push 2. Highlight the event to check the detailed information and push Viewing technical information 7-11
events detected around the current location. The
detailed information of each event can also be
events around the current location is dis-