Fake smsc – Nokia WAP and SMS gateway User Manual
Page 55

Chapter 5. Setting up a SMS Gateway
number (miliseconds)
Optional, defaults to 100
miliseconds. The sleep time after
sending a AT command.
Optional, defaults to "AT". If
keepalive is activated in AT2
group, this is the command to be
sent. If your modem supports it,
for example, use
"AT+CBC;+CSQ", and see in
logs the reply "+CBC: 0,64"
(0=On batery, 64% full) and
"+CSQ: 14,99" (0-31, 0-7: signal
strenght and channel bit error
rate; 99 for unknown). See 3GPP
Message storage memory type
to enable for "SIM buffering".
Possible values are: "SM" - SIM
card memory or "ME" - Mobile
equipment memory (may not be
suppoerted by your modem).
check your modem’s manual for
more types. By default, if the
option is not set, no message
storage command will be sent to
the modem and the modem’s
default message storage will be
used (usually "SM").
Optional, defaults to false. If
enabled, kannel would send an
AT+CMMS=2 if it have more
than one message on queue and
hopefully will be quickier
sending the messages.
A note about delivery reports and GSM modems:
while it is possible (and supported) to receive delivery
reports on GSM modems, it may not work for you. if you encounter problems, check that your modem’s
init string (if not the default) is set to correctly allow the modem to send delivery reports using unsolicted
notification (check your modem’s manual). If the init-string is not set as si, some modems will store
delivery reports to SIM memory, to get at which you will need to enable sim-buffering. finally your GSM
network provider may not support delivery reports to mobile units.
Fake SMSC is a simple protocol to test out Kannel. It is not a real SMS center, and cannot be used to
send or receive SMS messages from real phones. So, it is ONLY used for testing purposes.