Philips MIIC-201D/U User Manual
Page 32

4.2.10 Beep On Arbitration Loss
Generate a host computer beep if the adapter returns a "Bus Arbitration Loss"
response to the host computer. Bus Arbitration Loss occurs when another I
C Bus
master wins arbitration while the adapter is attempting to become a bus master.
4.2.11 Beep On Slave Negative Acknowledgment
BeepOnNak (Default=OFF)
Generate a host computer beep if the adapter returns a "Slave Not Acknowledging"
response to the host computer. Slave Not Acknowledging occurs when the adapter
is attempting to become a bus master and no slave device acknowledges the
transmitted slave address.
4.2.12 Beep On /INT Assert
BeepOn/INT (on INT supported adapters only. Default=OFF)
Generate a host computer beep if the adapter returns an "/INT Signal Assert"
response to the host computer. /INT Signal Assert occurs if /INT Signal Monitoring
is enabled and a high to low transition is detected on the adapter /INT signal
4.2.13 Load I
C Message List File
AutoLoad="file name"
"file name.iml"
Automatically open file with extension .IML and load messages into Message
Center spreadsheet.