Philips MIIC-201D/U User Manual

Page 14

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Grounding Solutions

To avoid damage to the host computer, I


C adapter, or target system, follow these


• Wear an earth grounded wrist strap, or discharge any static charge build-up,

when handling the I


C adapter or any target system devices.

• Ensure that both the host computer and target system are connected to a common

earth ground point.

• Make sure that all interconnections are made BEFORE applying power to the

host computer, I


C adapter, and target system.

• If you are using a laptop computer or host computer that is NOT connected to

mains earth ground, make a hard-wired connection from the host computer (i.e.,
port connector shell) and the target system ground connector to a common earth
ground point.

• Avoid plugging and unplugging system components while the host computer or

target system is powered.

• Ensure that any devices connected to the target system are properly grounded to

the common earth ground point.

• If unsure how to properly ground system components, seek electrical expert help.

WARNING: Any damage caused by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) through
inadequate earth grounding is NOT covered under the warranty of this product.

5 Hardware Set-Up

This section provides information on connecting the I


C adapter to your host

computer and I


C Bus target system.

1. Attach the iPort DLL/USB adapter to a free USB port on your host computer

or self-powered USB hub. If this is the first time the iPort DLL/USB is
connected to the host computer, the Windows Hardware Wizard will appear.
Follow the on-screen directions. The required driver files can be found in the
root-directory of the iPort Utility Pack for Windows CD, and after iPort
Utility Pack software installation, in the installed iPortDLLUSB Driver folder.

NOTE: The Hardware Wizard may run multiple times to install the iPort
DLL/USB VCP driver, and the iPort DLL/USB device. If the Hardware
Wizard warns that the driver files is not certified, press continue.