Palm OS Devices User Manual

Page 23

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Screenshot #10: INJURIES SCREEN

Screenshot #11: MATCHUPS SCREEN

Screenshot #10

The end user navigates to the INJURIES
screen with the following steps:

a. Tap the sports league logo on

the MAIN screen. (see
Screenshot #2)

b. Tap the “I” Information icon in the

ODDS screen to launch the
menu. (see #1, Screenshot #5/6
and #1, Screenshot #7)

c. The end user taps on INJURIES.

1. The top navigation bar (in this

screenshot, highlighted as Dallas
Injuries) is tapped to alternate the
INJURIES list between teams for a
specified game.

2. Tapping the

⊗ icon exits the end user

back to the ODDS screen. (Screenshot

3. The table lists INJURIES by team.

Screenshot #11
The end user navigates to the MATCHUPS screen with the
following steps:

a. Tap the sports league logo on the MAIN screen.

(see Screenshot #2)

b. Tap the “I” Information icon in the ODDS screen

to launch the menu. (see #1, Screenshot # 5/6
and #1, Screenshot #7)

c. The end user taps on MATCHUPS.

In the MATCHUPS screen, the end user can navigate directly to
selected sections by tapping the embedded hyperlinks. The end
user also has the option of navigating through the entire section
using the scroll bar found on the right side of the screen. The top
navigation bar (this example: EDM-SJ Matchups) can be tapped
for other team matchups within specified league. The bottom
odds ticker can be changed by tapping the odds ticker menu (this
example: NBA)


⊗ icon directs the end user back to the Covers Wireless

MAIN screen (Screenshot #2)