Philips TW0200 User Manual
Page 43

7-4.4 HOP/ through A/T
1. Receive level: -
- Measure RF Rx level at Rx IN and compare it with surveyed level.
ion between surveyed and measured level should be within ±1 dBm.
5 minutes each.
n: -
m distant station.
r channel.
as been switched to
Same observe by making receiver off.
d ask other end to observe protection switching.
- O/W response: - Feed 0.3 to 3.4 KHz tone at 0 level and measure at Rx pts of
O/W at the other end.
- Limit:
2 dB for 1 KHz
- Measu
- Check
ally O.K or not O.K.
The following observations can be red on supervisory channel by operating mode
/ Remote etc on supervisory channel on front of sub rack.
- AIS status enables.
- Buzzer
- BER is
- termina ta
- PS
+12.8 and PS
: - +12.8
- Equipment status O.K
25 GHz
Tx power A : - +33 dBm B: - +33 dBm
5 dBm A
- Rx frequency 2.2235 GHz.
(Ref: - DOT ML sector 7 GHz/ 34 Mb)
2. BER test: - Ask distant station to loop all four tributaries and check BER on all
four Trbs for 0 and ± 50 PPM for
Limit: - 0.00 E
, No Error.
3. Check of switching operatio
- Take loop on one tributary fro
- Connect DTA to 1
tributary and monitor loop getting O.K.
Now put OFF main transmitte
- Observe that loop getting still OK, It means that data h
protection channel.
Repeat test vice versa an
4. O/W function: -
-10 dB ± 1 dBm / ±
re noise performance -53 dBm
O/W for speech and sign
onitoring: -
ter eys Local
l s tus: - Tx-1 O.K Tx-2
Transmission status: - O.K
- Tran’s selection TXA- Auto.
- HDB-3 I/P O.K
- Tx frequency 2.06
Receive status: - O.K, O.K.
- Rx Selection: Rx Auto.
- RF level: - -46 to -5
-46 to -55 dBm B
- Rx synch A: - O.K B:- O.K
- Rx Synthesizer lock.
- Rx path O.K, O.K
- User alarm US1, US2 – OFF