Philips TW0200 User Manual
Page 35

7-3.2 3. Link Budget:-
Link budget is to calcula
Receive level taking into
consideration all gains and losses in the ne
rk. It accounts attenuation of transmitted
FL – Br Where
not for at antenna port.
e.g. Free space loss = 20 log FD + 92.4 = 144.60 dB
91.20 dB
30.0 dBm
Calculated Receive level = - 36.52 dBm
ith thick blanket in different shape
For carrying electromagnetic waves. It provides most efficient path for electrical
electrical energy to flow just like a water pipe.
cal waveguide is flexible.
-8 GHz WR112 2.7/100 ft
6 GHz
3. Elliptical W/G RF Band Type Loss/Meter
6.425-7.125 GHz
SP 8M 0.090 dB
te particular M/W system
signal due to propagation.
Formula: - Pt + Gt + Gr – L –
Pt – A Transmitter power.
Gt + Gr - Antenna gain in both directio
L - Free space loss.
FL – Feeder cable loss in both directions.
Br – Branching filter loss at both end.
This Receive power to be calculated for RF IN or Rx IN and
Branching filter loss = 5.60 dB
Feeder loss = 7.52 dB (4.70 dB / 100
Total loss = 157.72 dB
Antenna gain = 45.60 X 2
Trans power =
Total gain = 121.20 dB
4. Wave guide: - It is a hallow copper corrugated w
energy at higher frequencies. It is guided
Three types of waveguides: -
1. Rectangular
2. Circular
3. Elliptical
Rectangular and circular waveguides are rigid and ellipti
Rectangular wave guide: - Loss
4 GHz WR229 0.85/100ft
6 GHz WR137 2.0/100 ft
WR159 1.4/100 ft
11 GHz WR90 3.5/100 ft
13 GHz WR75 4.5/100 ft
Used where Critical application and low VSWR is required.
Circular wave guide: - Lowest loss, Support to orthogonal polarization.
Loss:- 4 GHz 1.5 dBm /100 M
1.9 dBm /100 M
1.8 dBm /100 M
CWSP 7L 0.046 dB
7.725-8.275 GHz CWSP 8M 0.060 dB
10.7-11.7 GHz CW